Picture of WAERlinx in a Warehouse


UX Research - In person observation, customer interviews, surveys.

UX Design - Wireframing, customer feedback sessions.

UI Design - Design system built in Figma using MUI as a basis for UI Components.

WAER Systems is the creator of WAERLinx, a WMS (warehouse management system) for businesses that run NetSuite as their ERP.

As the first full time designer to work on WAERLinx in its 20+ year history, my main focus has been to evaluate, simplify and optimise its design, based on customer needs. The project was a complete redesign of the product, with an inital focus on improving screens for moving inventory.

This started with requirements gathering through customer warehouse site visits, surveys and stakeholder interviews, which were then translated into wireframes. These were then given to customers for feedback and iteration.

From this, a Design System was established and a full UI design of screens were created. This was then picked up by a front-end developer and built in React and MUI, where I directed the UI components to be built in Storybook for re-uability and testing of components in multiple screen situations. So far customer feedback has been positive and encouraging.

Picture of Inventory Move Wireframes
Picture of Inventory Move Wireframes
Ultimately the research showed it had to be fast, intuitive for android users, optimized for very small screens and the environment of a warehouse - meaning large, easy to tap interactive elements, clear accessible instructions and quick ways to navigate throughout the product.
Picture of Inventory Move UIPicture of Inventory Move UI on a Laptop
Picture of Inventory Move UI before and after
Picture of Inventory Move UI before and after

This work was created at & is property of WAER Systems.

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Lead UI Designer